Calendars of Post-Vote Processes
One goal of undertaking our 50 State Post-Vote Guide: How We Count, Canvass, Certify, and Audit Our Elections was to provide an overview of the timeline and deadlines for key post-vote processes. We hope that these calendars, now available, will be a valuable resource to partners and allies in monitoring and protecting our democracy.
These calendars cover these post-vote processes in all 50 states, including:
Pre-Canvassing: This includes when pre-canvassing of vote-by-mail ballots can start and when these ballots begin to be scanned or fed into tabulators.
Canvass + Certification Dates: For both local and statewide start dates or deadlines as applicable.
Audits: The timeline info for different types of audits depending on existing state law.
To see the full 50 State Post-Vote Guide, click here.